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Since founding Black Diamondz, I have known and understood the power of having our luxurious listings online.  The power of social media has helped me showcase these properties to a vast audience all over the world.  While popular western platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn have been valuable resources for me, none can compare to the power of the Chinese social media giants WeChat and Weibo.

From any room in the world, my clients can find Black Diamondz listings in a virtual world of information.  In moments I can assess the quality of the buyer and how interested they are.  I can send them every single detail they require, and sometimes, within a matter of days, have a contract exchanged.

Don't get me wrong. It's not always this simple, but especially in times like these, WeChat is giving my clients access that has never been so vital. Around one billion people in China use WeChat. This social media platform offers not only the usual multimedia bits and pieces but also a payments service enabling users to pay and be paid without leaving the app.

I have a dedicated team looking after our essential WeChat platform, but I manage my personal one myself.  I believe it is crucial to be authentic and not only share the properties we have listed but give people an insight into my life, personality, passions, and business. Nothing makes me happier than interacting with possible buyers on WeChat.  Even though many will not buy, I am furthering my network and constantly developing essential relationships.  It is also helping me stay connected to my home country and everything happening there.

WeChat is catching on in Australia, and I recommend every single business be on it!  Even if you don't speak Chinese, you can quite easily navigate the app, and I promise that within a few days of playing around on it, you will see what all the hype is about, especially if you like online shopping!  The payment function is outstanding. 

The "live chat" function was a game-changer and allows you to leave snippets of conversations.  I use this 100's of times a day, and it is a quick and essential way of doing business with the Chinese. 

The demand for luxury Australian property is still extremely high with Chinese buyers.  You need to remember that in China, residents don't buy a property outright; they generally purchase a lease that's up to 70-years. Most homes in China are small apartments, with only one or two bedrooms. In major cities, these units can fetch up to 2.5 million Australian dollars. Consequently, Chinese people see property ownership as a status symbol.  For the price of an apartment in China, they can own a standalone house in Australia.

While the world is in the grips of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), we have to continue to think bigger, bolder, and braver.  Use the exceptional technology in the palm of our hands in an attempt to survive this crisis, keep our businesses, and reach new audiences.  I encourage everyone who is looking to engage with the Chinese market to jump on WeChat and harness its power! With a bit of time and dedication, you will not regret it. 

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