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Company Profile

The Black Diamondz Group encompasses the following services:

Property Concierge

As Sydney, Australia’s most highly regarded and aspirational real estate and lifestyle company, Black Diamondz offers more than just your regular real estate company.

Our point of difference in a saturated market is our unmatched international database, specialising in high-end and luxury residential property sales, investment strategies and business solutions.

Our industry expertise, negotiating prowess and suite of integrated services ensure that we remain firmly at the forefront of the market, all the while providing a bespoke and boutique offering. With a bilingual Chinese-Australian team, and partners in China, Hong Kong, Asia Pacific, Europe and the Middle East, Black Diamondz proudly integrates a bold global presence with local expertise to ensure that we provide the very best solutions for buyers and sellers alike.

In addition to property sales, Black Diamondz facilitates the following:

  • Strategic LIFESTYLE decisions – where, when and why to buy
  • Strategic BUSINESS decisions – investments, partnerships and alliances
  • Strategic CHARITY and PHILANTHROPIC endeavours – guiding new migrants to become valuable members of Australian society

PR & Marketing

Black Diamondz PR & Marketing is fast becoming Australia’s leading East/West communications and events agency. As the authority on the Chinese-Australian audience, we know how to leverage real insight to create branded content, communications strategies and event planning that resonate in an engaging and meaningful way.

Black Diamondz PR & Marketing helps organisations large and small to develop compelling strategic solutions.


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