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Days are long right now...but time will go faster than we imagine so now is the perfect time to work on your audience. Over the years, social media has emerged as a tool to help businesses to grow in the global market. It wouldn't be wrong to say that social media has indeed altered the way many companies operate. During this challenging time, we are working more online than ever before, and in front of our screens regularly. I see this as a real opportunity to use the power of social media, in particular, LinkedIn, to help people discover more about your business and become engaged with you in a new and evolving way.

LinkedIn enables me to communicate with professionals from around the world. I make sure my content is diverse, and while property is always my main focus, I also want people to get to know me as a business leader and individual. My posts get 1000's of views! I have LinkedIn to thank for not only growing my professional profile but also an abundance of business opportunities from around the world. I have always tried to be at the forefront of new technology and connectivity. I have worked hard over the years to harness the power of social media. In 2011 WeChat was launched, and in a short amount of time the way, China does business. I saw what was happening and straight away created the Black Diamondz Official account, which now has thousands of followers who are engaged and excited to see all our content. I credit the power of WeChat to many of our sales.

Connectivity is imperative right now, whether it is a connection between familiar people or a relationship between a business and its customers. All kinds of companies need to have a strong bond with their clients and consistently work on developing an audience that will possibly become one of their clients. 

While we are all adjusting to life right now, let's use the power of social media to keep our clients engaged, celebrate past success, and drive hard towards a positive future. The time is now to support your friends in business and come together…and social media gives us the ability to do that.

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