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In a matter of weeks COVID-19 (Coronavirus) has turned the world as we know it upside down.  Unfortunately, we have all seen it bring out the worst in many people. It has saddened me to see not only businesses collapse but also some of the racist media and political comments around the world.  However, it has also brought out the selflessness and humanity in many more. 

All over the country, big and small gestures of kindness are helping people through what, for many, will be the most challenging time of their life. While we are all going through the same pandemic, every single one of us is having a different experience.  From our Hero Doctors, Nurses and healthcare workers on the front, the Mums and Dads now working from home while home-schooling their children, and the huge number of people who have lost the income and businesses they have worked their whole life for, this is a time none of us will ever forget. While the world as we know it disappears, people's hearts have become fuller than I have ever seen, and the kindness of both friends and strangers has taken centre stage.

In the past few weeks I have seen people give over their last loaf of bread to a needy senior person, fitness businesses offer free work workouts online to anyone who wants to join them, teddy bears in windows for children to spot as they walk instead of play in their beloved playgrounds and many, many more acts of kindness.  It’s needless to say this extraordinary evolution of the human spirt has lifted my own resolve to be the very best I can during this pandemic and do everything I can to support my community.

Right now, I encourage every one of you to follow #thekindnesspandemic. People from not only Australia but all over the world are sharing their stories of paying it forward, thanking each other, helping those in need, and sharing words of hope.  

Let’s all remember, it costs nothing to be kind, and right now, kindness is one of the most valuable things we have…It’s priceless.

From me to you…stay safe, stay kind, and stay home.

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